
This page contains educational material about flams, including handouts I use in presentations. For the last 30 years I’ve been teaching the basic strokes (Full, Down, Up, and Tap) through flams. These motions will help increase you speed with the flam rudiments.

History: the concept is from the Sanford Moeller Book, but I redesigned his symbols. Writing the hands on different lines comes from the first drum book published in the United States, the Ashworth Method (might not be the correct title), I flipped the hands so the right hands is on top, as in drum set notation. Grouping flam motions by the types of follow through motions they require, is my idea.

This is the handout I have used for years at Clinics. It should print.


Video Demonstrations

4 Stroke Types

Flam Tap and Flamaque

Flam Accent and Flam Paradiddle